Exceptional Children Services

Special Education

Special education is an integral part of Movement School and is not viewed as a separate order. Rather, as an opportunity to participate in the creation and maintenance of a total educational environment suitable for all children. The particular function of special education within Movement is to identify children with exceptionalities and to aid in both regular and special programing to build accommodative learning opportunities for all of our students. Individualized instruction and student achievement are valued by Movement School. This is evident through the services that are available, including:

  1. Access to the general curriculum and intervention programs designed to provide maximum opportunities for instruction in the general-education setting
  2. Full continuum of service, including : consultation, inclusion, small group classes, and self-contained settings
  3. Related services that include but are not limited to speech, occupational and physical therapy
  4. Specialized instruction for students with hearing, visual and physical disabilities
  5. Modified materials, including but not limited to audio books, large-print materials and specialized equipment and furniture
  6. Accessible space in schools to meet the needs of students with physical disabilities
  7. Appropriate technology to support students


Project Child Find

Project child find is a part of a federal law called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that mandates schools to locate and identify children and youth ages 3-21 with suspected disabilities who may be entitled to special education services. Movement will provide parents information on Child Find in the student handbook and also on the Movement website. Movement faculty and staff will assist in the Child Find process in the following ways;

  • If a faculty or staff suspects that a child may have a disability and that they would be entitled to receive special education and related services, they will consult with the EC coordinator at the school.
  • If faculty or staff know of a child with disabilities who is not in school or receiving services/assistance they will: Give the parent/guardian a copy of the Project Child Find brochure.
  • Educate the parent/guardian about the referral process and special education and related services that may be offered if the student is found to have a disability.
  • Encourage the parent/guardian to contact the school or EC Department to request an evaluation.

Assessment, Determination, Accommodation (IEP & 504 Plans)

When a teacher and/or parent suspects delays in the development of speech-language, readiness, motor, social-behavior, academic, and self-help skills a meeting will be called to discuss. Concerned parents may then contact EC Coordinator to request evaluations (or re-evaluations) to be considered for Exceptional Children services.

Section 504 Impartial Due Process Hearing Procedures

Transfer of Exceptional Children

Movement will accept transfers of IEPs and 504 plans from both NC and other states. Parents must indicate on their enrollment forms that a student has an active IEP or 504 plan in place. Movement will request transfer of records prior to the first day of school.

Transfer Students-If a student transfers to Movement and has a current IEP from out of state, the IEP team is required to provide comparable services until the student is found eligible in North Carolina and a new IEP is developed. Exceptional Children’s services will be in place from the time of enrollment.

Continuum of Services

Special education takes many forms and can be provided within a broad spectrum of educational environments. Children with special educational needs should be served in regular classes when possible. Movement believes that the goal of educating exceptional children with non-exceptional children is desirable as long as it enhances the child’s educational, social, and emotional development. However, we understand that this is not always possible and/or beneficial to the students involved and that a Continuum of Services, ranging from regular class programs to home instruction, is available to meet the needs of children with exceptionalities.



Faculty and staff are to maintain confidentiality at all times and ensure the protection of the confidentiality of any personally identifiable data, information, and records collected or maintained by the school pursuant to Part B of the IDEA, and consistent with NC 1505-2.2 through NC 1505-2.18.

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